
Unsere engagierte Redaktion sammelt Nachrichten und Pressemitteilungen aus der ganzen Welt, um unsere Community über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Edelstahlindustrie zu informieren. Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten von Menschen und Unternehmen, die an der Herstellung, Lieferung und Verwendung von korrosionsbeständigen Legierungen (CRAs) beteiligt sind.

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GM fuel cell powered vehicles set records

General Motors set a number of international records for vehicles powered by fuel cells in a 24-hour endurance run at the company's desert proving grounds, exposing the vehicle to record heat in the process.

400 amp multi-function weld power supply

Arc Machines introduces the Arc Machines Model 415, a versatile welding automation control and power supply system.

Synergy Technologies targets fuel cell market

Synergy Technologies Corp. says it plans to enter the fuel cell market by "aggressively pursuing joint ventures and strategic partnerships".

Global sourcing service

Ocean International Suppliers Inc., with offices in Lakeland, Florida, and Houston, Texas, has established a global sourcing service using the latest in computer-based data storage and communications techniques.

Increased corrosion resistance

The Efremov Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus (NIIEFA), based in St Petersburg, has developed a technology to increase the wear and corrosion resistance and fatigue strength of different items from metals and alloys by 200–400%.

Beijing and Inner Mongolia to build plant

Beijing and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region are to jointly build a power plant with an installed capacity of 2.4 million kilowatts in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region.

On-site lock re-coding for valve interlocks

Smith Flow Control has introduced a new series of valve interlocks made of stainless steel.