Top platform at Separation Technology Symposium

By David Sear & Mark Casey

Held in Cologne, Germany, on June 19 and 20, 2013, the Fourth International Separation Technology Symposium was very well received by attendees, including suppliers, equipment builders and users.

The event, organised by Schmidt + Clemens, was described as a top platform by many of the managers and engineers that Stainless Steel World spoke to.

They said the show was a great opportunity to see the latest developments in separation techniques, to network with peers, and also to see how new insights and materials could be of benefit to special applications.

To bring you a flavour of the event, the SSW TV Team interviewed two of the organisers from Schmidt + Clemens, as well as some of the speakers and attendees.

Separation Technology Symposium – review by Schmidt + Clemens’ Christian Lenz
Christian Lenz (Sales Director SP at Schmidt + Clemens) discusses the 4th International Separation Technology Symposium. Held in Cologne, Germany, the symposium brings together equipment suppliers, engineers and users from practically all industrial sectors that use separators.
Schmidt + Clemens – serving the separation industry
Interview with Wolfgang Unterbusch, who discusses how Schmidt + Clemens is serving the separation industry. The company supports both machine builders and end users by developing and producing a range of metals. A regular technology symposium is also organised to further stimulate debate and discussion on future sector requirements.
Vertical decanters – exotics yet essential in separation industry
Vertical decanter may be exotic, but they play an essential role in the separator industry, says Gert Bergjohann. Stainless steels are used to deliver long-life equipment, often used in demanding applications. Interview recorded during the Schmidt + Clemens’ International Separation Technology Symposium.
Bernward Feldkamp on developments in centrifugal separators
Bernward Feldkamp (Andritz Separation) gave a well-received talk on centrifuges at the 4th International Separation Technology Symposium, organised by Schmidt + Clemens. With a wealth of experience in the industry he still sees room for future technical improvements.
Unique Hamburg environment means alloys essential in water treatment, says Hendrik Schurig
Hendrik Schurig works as a process engineer for Hamburg Wasser, one of Europe’s largest wastewater treatment plants. The unique atmosphere at Hamburg means extensive use is made of stainless steel in equipment such as centrifuges, pumps, etc, and also in areas such as flue gas treatment and digester gas treatment.
New alloys helps in developing decanters for special applications, says GEA
Speaking during the fourth International Separation Technology Symposium, GEA’s Tore Hartmann says that stainless steels, super duplexes and Hastelloy are often used to fabricate decanters (used in separation applications). The development of new grades will also help machine builders meet customers’ special applications.

For more information about this and future events organized by Schmidt + Clemens, please visit their website – – and look under the “press & topical” tab.

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