
Unsere engagierte Redaktion sammelt Nachrichten und Pressemitteilungen aus der ganzen Welt, um unsere Community über die neuesten Entwicklungen in der Edelstahlindustrie zu informieren. Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten von Menschen und Unternehmen, die an der Herstellung, Lieferung und Verwendung von korrosionsbeständigen Legierungen (CRAs) beteiligt sind.

Themen wie Rohre, Plattierung, Offshore, chemische Prozessindustrie, Schweißen und Fertigung, 13Cr-Edelstähle, Titan, Nickellegierungen, Zellstoff und Papier sowie Duplex-Edelstähle werden ebenso berücksichtigt, wie Interviews mit Werkstoffspezialisten, Herstellern und Endverbrauchern.

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Bibus Metals: Vorstoß Richtung Osten

Bibus Metals hat im Januar einen neuen Handelssitz in Kiew eröffnet. Nachdem das Unternehmen in Polen Ungarn, Rumänien, Tschechien und Bulgarien bereits ein...

Quality through milling

Linsinger has met the growing requirements in the field of welding technology with the integration of strip edge milling machines in spiral- and longitudinal seam tube lines.

Rolled Alloy to supply material for furnace

Rolled Alloy’s RA353MA Alloy was selected as the material of construction for a copper brazing furnace muffle.

Akzo Nobel invests in paper chemicals in U.S.

Eka Chemicals, Akzo Nobel’s Pulp and Paper Chemicals business unit, will build a new processing plant for production of silicate products in the Howard, Green Bay, Wisconsin, in the U.S.

Mechanical float valves with electrical over-ride

PVL are the UK distributors of the Balem range of flow (float) valves, which range in sizes from ½" to 12". The smallest model in the range is a direct acting valve with a stainless steel float on an actuating arm.

Antimicrobial-treated stainless

AK Steel will unveil food equipment manufactured with its steel coated with an antimicrobial compound at the National Restaurant, Hotel-Motel Show, being held 19–22 May at Chicago's McCormick Place.

Akzo Nobel invests in polysulfide expansion

Akzo Nobel’s business unit Plastics and Processing Additives, operating under the name Akcros Chemicals, will invest in a major expansion at its Greiz facility in Germany.

Stainless steel weights

Rice Lake Weighing Systems has introduced MasstarTM stainless steel weights for laboratory balance and industrial scale calibrations.

IST relocates

Netherlands-based Interservice Trading BV (IST) moved to new premises in April 2001.

Innovative solution for ship industry

Linsinger’s newly designed plate edge milling machine serves for the preparation of highly precise welding profiles on special steel plates for ship building.